Ilex International chooses the AntemetA cloud

After a consultation with only European actors, Ilex International, the number 1 French vendor of identity & access management software, has chosen a sovereign cloud for the rollout of its SaaS offerings by partnering with AntemetA.

This collaboration is the result of the commitment of the two companies, both members of the Hexatrust association and deeply involved in the French digital cybersecurity and trusted cloud landscape.

Ilex International is responding to a strong market demand for identity and access management: having proven, high-performance IAM and CIAM solutions that combine securitycompliance and confidentiality.

“In addition to the security and quality aspects of its response, it was the completeness of the AntemetA offering that convinced us. We were looking for a sovereign actor capable of proposing PaaS and IaaS offerings as well as Managed Services. AntemetA’s offering stood out, reassuring us as clients on these points in particular. Given the criticality of our project, we could not make any compromises, and we expected very high quality, bespoke support.”

Olivier Morel – Deputy General Manager of Ilex International

“With this new collaboration, AntemetA proves once again that it is an expert, agile and capable of positioning itself as an end-to-end partner for its clients. Our relationship with Ilex illustrates our ambition for the group: supporting software vendors who want to ‘SaaS-ify’ their applications or bring them back within the sovereign cloud alongside an actor capable of doing so with a real logic of partnership and service management.”

Stéphane Blanc – Founder and Chairman of Groupe AntemetA