Webinar – Open Banking APIs: Where, what and when?
2nd August 2017
The Open Banking initiative is part of the Competition and Market Authority’s (CMA) expansion of the European Banking Authority’s Payment Services Directive (PSD2).
This will completely change the landscape of the UK’s current and relatively static banking services, through the delivery of standardised ‘Open APIs’. These APIs will transform the existing relationship between banks and their customers and raise serious identity assurance and access management challenges.
This means Third Party Providers (TPP) will be able to deliver new and innovative financial and banking services that have the potential to radically disrupt the established relationships between customers and their existing bank(s), but also raise significant identity and access management challenges.
Ilex International, in conjunction with RAiDiAM Consulting, will be holding a webinar ‘Open Banking APIs: Where, what and when?’ to discuss this topic in more detail. The webinar will take place on Ilex UK’s BrightTALK channel on 2 August 2017 at 14.30 BST.
Click here to register to attend or to find out more.